
Thursday, November 20, 2008

Random, Fun Kenya Pics

*Note: Text and all photos in all Kenya posts are by Shawn Billerman unless otherwise noted.

This post has absolutely no story to it, just a bunch of random pictures that I wanted to share that didn't really fit in with any of my other posts... (if any of these pictures have appeared in other posts, its just because I forgot I've used them)


A tray full of Vitelline Masked Weavers (Ploceus velatus) and Yellow-spotted Petronia (Petronia pyrgita) coming to fruit at our camp; Fork-tailed Drongo (Dicrurus adsimilis) in camp; Egyptian Goose (Alopochen aegyptiacus) (all 3 of these photos by Jess Marion)

White-throated Bee-eater (Merops albicolis) part of a flock of 3 or 4 birds that moved through camp one day; Another view of camp; View of the Research Center (note elephant poo scattered all over the ground); Namaqua Doves (Oena capensis) part of a group of 7 or 8 individuals that were occasionaly seen at the center

Finally, Jess (click here for her blog), who so graciously provided me with many of the bird photographs I used (and all the good bird photos I used)... Thanks Jess!

If I can get more bird pictures in the coming weeks and months, I will post them. Otherwise, here is a link to our class website.

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