
Sunday, August 17, 2008

Bone Quiz

How well do you know bird's insides? Take this bone quiz and find out! I've broken the questions into three parts: bone identification, species identification, and short answer.

Name That Bone



#9, #10, #11


#1 - Any guesses?

#2 - Family?

#3 - Species?

#4 - Family?

#5 - Species?

#6 - Species?

Bend your mind...

#1 - What family is this bird and why does it have such a long tongue?

#2 - What is the purpose of the ring near the joint of this Osprey's limb?

#3 - What is going on with this swan's sternum?

#4 - Where are this Gannet's nostrils?

Leave your answers in the comments, and look for my answers here later this week - have fun!


  1. Great post. I'm not a bone guy, so I have no clue. Gery intersting about the life cycle of geckos, though.

  2. #2 Is a Scleral bone right? Or also called a sclerotic ring.

    As for the rest, I have no clue.

    #1 Family maybe is Ardidae and the tongue is long to allow for striking for food with the long neck.

  3. #2 are indeed the scleral ossicles, although the bird with the tongue is not an Ardeid. Guess again :)

  4. I am going to try this, however biology and anatomy are not my strong points(and I am also a highschool dropout), so no laughing.

    1. The avian equivalent of the coccyx

    2. scleral bone


    4. Radial bones

    5. Shins and feet

    6. Hey where is the hot sauce, wings

    7. ?

    8. Well those look like the upper wings


    10. Breastbone

    11. Wishbone

    1. Femurs of flightless birds?

    2. Ramphastidae (wikipedia instant expert)

    3. Seagull

    4. Accipitridae?

    5. Flamingo

    6. hummingbird

    7. Trochilidae, the tongue is long to reach nectar

    8. To keep the tendon of the talon in place?

    9. Resonating chamber?

    10. Right in front of the eyes

  5. Alright, I'll give this a shot!

    1- Tail - flatened bone on the end is the pygostyle where the tail feathers attach and the lower vertebrae

    2- sclerotic ring

    3- femur

    4- tibiotarsus (tibia (large) and fibula (smaller bone))

    5- humerus

    6- carpometacarpus

    7- ulna where secondary feathers attach (you can see the bumps)

    8- tarsus

    9- ribs

    10- keel

    11- furcula (fused clavical bones)

    1- possibly corocoid bones

    the rest im not to great with haha!

