
Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Cornell student takes conference award

The grad student I am working closely with, Andrea Townsend, won the Outstanding Student Presentation Award at the Association of Field Ornithologists conference last week. She presented "A test of the genetic benefits hypothesis for extra-pair paternity in the American Crow" with Anne Clark, Kevin McGowan, and Irby Lovette as coauthors. Big congrats to Andrea!

An aside: be sure to check the very amusing guide to speaking Mainah on the AFO conference website.


  1. I wanted to go to the AFO meeting but who schedules a conference in the middle of the breeding season???

  2. Haha, from my perspective, who scheduled the AOU conference in the dregs of summer? It's not ideal birding. The NAOC last fall was much better, it was during the peak of hawk migration in Mexico with 100,000s of hawks :)
